Disability conference for Bath

Last week, local anchor organisations came together to co-host a Disability History Conference.

This is the latest collaboration on the back of work to align ED&I activities across the region, with the aim of our anchor organisations supporting more local people.

The event saw Bath and North East Somerset Council and the University of Bath, along with Seetec offer Disability Confident networking and workshops at the Guildhall in Bath.

The day was kickstarted with a warm welcome from Caroline Jones from Seetec, followed by an insightful talk from Councillor Onkar. This was followed by a talk from Urban Cleaning, a disability-confident employer thanks to the support of Seetec.

We were then joined by incredible guest speakers: Katie Morgan-Jones from RNIB, Sarah Marshall from Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), and Manuela Cooke & Molly Willis from Royal Association for Deaf people.

The event also included cafe-style workshops on Inclusive Recruitment, Reasonable adjustments, Promoting a culture of being Disability Confident and Valuing and listening to feedback from people with disabilities, and Support for non visible disabilities.

This work supports the Future Ambition Board’s objectives to provide Good Work for the whole of the Bath and North East Somerset community, and to ensure opportunity for all.